Sunday, February 14, 2010


The repairs to the external shell of planet Rodg took another step forwards on Thursday with the removal of two stitches; they marked the spot where the Hickman line was removed last week. So I no longer have a couple of pipes dangling from my collar bone which makes sleeping more comfortable but spoils my robot image.

Other bits of the external shell are not faring so well. The normally skinny Rodg ankles and boney feet look more like traditional Pork sausages the size of tree trunks. The daily dose of Furosemide is supposed to help reduce fluid retention but is not making a great deal of impact. I am 1/2 a stone heavier than normal and all the weight is concentrated in two places; the other being my equator, which has gained 2 inches. If things carry on like this I really will end up looking like a planet.

On the positive side, the haemoglobin count is now up at 109. Not quite as high as I’d hoped after the blood transfusion but I do feel more energetic so perhaps this rotund waistline will start to shrink with increased exercise. The general medical opinion is that the Ciclosporin, anti-rejection, immuno-suppressant drug, can be responsible for fluid retention but that will not be stopping for a good while yet. When will all this medication end ? Half the pills fit in my blue, Mon.-Sun. box but there are so many that the other half have to be counted out twice a day. I hate swallowing pills !

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