Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday 10 December

Today was a Thursday Clinic Day in Glasgow, which meant a 7.30 am start from the house in order to deal with traffic and the hundred miles to get there on time. It seems like a very long way to travel for a routine weight, blood pressure and temperature measurement, plus blood tests, which in total probably take up less than 20 minutes, including talking with the consultant.

Still the results were all good, neutrophil counts normal, platelet counts building up nicely, though still a way to go to reach something like normal levels.

The journey back across the border hills and down the motorway was particularly beautiful. The sky clear, with deep pockets of mist clinging to the forested slopes.


  1. Looks beautiful. Had to go to Paisley yesterday am, to be there for a 10am meeting. Didn't look the same as it does in your pictures. Sometimes we just drive past something really lovely and ignore it.
    Got to be back up there next Tuesday for 9.30am. Will try and find the bits in your pics!
    Very nice test results, well done you. (No wonder you need lots of naps - your bod's working very hard.)

  2. Hey, congratulations on the neutrophils!

    And lovely photos too.

    Love Elizabeth

  3. Really glad you are making progress.

    Love Philip
