Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 8

With on eye to the future, an attempt was made today to reduce the amount of drug used to control the sickness. It is very powerful but unfortunately it leaves our poor captain with low blood pressure, dizzyness and a need to sleep more. Alas this morning’s reduction from 1.0 ml/hr down to 0.8 mls/hr failed to hold the nausea at bay over lunch and we’re now back on the original strength.

In addition the red blood count has really been bumping along at the bottom so a bag of the magic stuff is going in right now , as I write. Thank you all you amazing blood donors out there. If you’re B +ve it could be yours going in today.

And a second bag followed.... gad ! it’s like Dracular’s Den round here.


  1. That looks like a nice chianti you've got there :)

    Bummer about the nausea, but glad you're back on the strong stuff for now.

    The sickness has to come to an end some time. Roll on some time.

    Love Elizabeth

  2. Hi Rodger, well it is Halloween, so tuck in.^^ ^^
    Hopefully this will give you the boost you need.

    I think the expected length of your room booking was about 6 weeks - well you've just completed the toughest 1/3 of it!
    Well done - Yaaaaay!
    Now just tell your tum to stop rumblin'up! (Wish it was that easy - but keep down as much as you can - you need the energy)
    lol vj XX

  3. Looks more like a Bloody Mary without the ice and celery stick!!!!! and going in intravenously too - what a way to laze around and sleep it off!!
    Hope the cocktail of drinks IV gets your stomach settled -and here's to the French enfants coming into play soon. Love and hugs to both of you, Carolyn xoxo - off to SF tomorrow via Edinburgh! - will keep in touch - courtesy of the wonders of the internet!!!!

  4. Hey, that's not B +ve blood - that's 0 +ve! (I think that's OK though ;-)
