Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christine’s weekend visit was one with a mission: to buy a mini fridge like the one I’d had in my room in B8. It had been so handy to be able to save a yoghurt to have just when needed. I thought it unlikely she would succeed but I was proved wrong! So before she left for home she was able to stock me up with some PetitsFilous and other little goodies. Well done Christine, Argos on-line and google; a formidable combination.

Last night I managed to get through without any temperature spikes for the first time. Today’s latest development is the introduction of 30 mg of steroids to try settling the GvHD. So it will be interesting to see what the next 24 hours bring.


  1. Glad the temperature spikes have subsided.

    So we're both on 30mg of steriods? Mine are sorting my problem out, but they are really doing my head in!

    Let's hope for a good next 24hrs.

    Love Philip

  2. OK, that's sounding a bit better!

    Cute fridge.

    Love E

  3. Will the fridge help keep the temperature down on you too?
