Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Well here I am in the CT- scan holding area; computers screens arrayed in long lines through a door to the left. A recorded american man’s voice booms through leaded doors behind me: ‘Breath in, hold your breath - breath out’. Fragments of conversation escape from other doors as I sip water and wait.
Then it’s my turn to go through the doughnut. I get a different one with a friendly male North of England accent. I never knew they came in such varieties. I wonder if they have names ? The Dumfries one sounds like the queen.
Finally comes the wait for the illusive porter - precious as gold dust. Twenty five minutes this time. It is the same one that brought me. I give him a friendly greeting and decide to break the ice and discover that Bert likes a nice bit of a joke on patients relatives and the maze of subterranean corridors which are his home.
The lead up to all this had not been so good. More sickness last night and again this morning trying to drink the trace liquid they need for a good scan. Plus another 38 O C temperature spike. Later today they swapped to a second alternative pair of antibiotics to see if they could nobble the little blighters causing the problem.
And so the day ticked by, one of gradual improvement from a very shaky start. Now it is dusk once more. Blog time.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I was glad to hear about the "gradual improvement" part.

